Good. Now how do you feel about that place? I'm sure it's not on your list as your next vacation spot. You probably are repulsed by the thought of visiting there, much less making that place your home.
But that is just what God did. He chose to send His only perfect, holy Son to come to this sin ridden earth full of sinful people to live among us and to be murdered brutally by wicked people.
Why? Because of His great love for us and ultimately for His glory! I cannot begin to imagine that kind of love! Love that would choose to die for wicked murderous people.
This Christmas, bask in the beauty of the Christ Child, reflect on the glorious love of the sinless God-man Jesus who died in your place and took the punishment you deserved, and rejoice in the salvation offered by the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, our Immanuel!
Merry Christmas!