The Bluebird's Nest


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Reflections on Turning 40

"JUST WAIT! Everything begins falling apart at 40!"
     "Over the hill!"
      "You are officially middle-aged!"

     These are a few of the comments I heard as I approached my 40th birthday. 
     The day arrived, a mix of clouds and sun.  Sunny one minute, cloudy the next; as if the day itself was in turmoil over what it would become.
     I heard many good wishes for the day.  My parents even sent me a paper tiara with a cheerful cheeky bird on it who wore a dainty crown and the words, "Queen of This Day!"
     Honestly, I was enjoying myself.  Back in February I awoke one morning and realized, "I will get old!"  The crisis had already past, yet there was a small amount of dread due to the constant predictions of impending woe at the number.
     One friend sent me a text. "Do you feel any different?"  I laughed and replied, "Nope! Funny you should ask...  My dad has been asking me that every birthday for as long as I can remember... and I've always said, 'No!'"
     Later, I went for a walk while my children went out birthday shopping.  The clouds had won the day and there had been bouts and fits of snow flurries.  At the moment the wind was gentle and I felt as though I had stepped into a wintery fairy snow globe.  Snowflakes gently flitted and drifted about before softly landing on the earth where they melted instantly. 
     In that moment, I prayed, "Lord, let me be like these beautiful snowflakes.  Gracefuly filling the earth with their intricate beauty in the short time they have."
     Our lives are but a vapor and will soon pass away.  The old saying is true...

Only one life, 'twill soon be past, 
Only what's done for Christ will last.

     I praise the Lord for the 40 years He has given me and thank Him for each day He gifts to me in the future.  May each day be full of honor and praise for my Savior!